Giving meaning
Verkerk dares to raise questions about meaning and ethics in the organisation. As a professor of Christian philosophy at Maastricht University, he likes to challenge his students to think further. He has applied this 'further thinking' as a director within various organisations, where he likes to be inspired by great thinkers.
Giving meaning and deep values
Why am I working so hard? Why do I find it so important to be successful? We are all sometimes surprised by these kinds of questions. And they come back again and again. The Jewish book of Ecclesiastes challenges you to raise these questions. It offers an invigorating sobriety, inspires you to act and encourages you to enjoy.
Technique as a quest for meaning
Nothing is as fascinating as technology. Technology is about people. About everyday life. You may describe technology as a 'quest for meaning'. That is, technology must be designed so that people experience their lives as more meaningful. The book Philosophy of Technology provides concrete handles. In lectures and workshops I show that a good philosophy is very practical!

Ethics of care for vulnerable patients
Doctors want to give their patients the best treatment available. One of the side effects is that fragile older people are regularly given too much treatment. That is, the unwanted side effects of the treatment are greater than the desired gain in health. In our publication Over(-)behandelen – Ethiek van de zorg voor kwetsbare ouderen (‘Unnecessary health care – Ethics of care for fragile elderly’ - not yet available in English), we provide concrete tools to prevent overtreatment.